Ape, Great

Ape, Great

Great Apes are fearsome carnivores that are similar to gorillas, but are larger and more terrible. They will eat anything they can catch, and are always hungry.

Encounter: 1d6.
ST: 20-26.
DX: 11.
IQ: 7.
MV: 5.
AR: -1 (fur).
DM: 2d6+1 (bite), 2d6 (claws).
Size: 1.
TR: None.
Behavior: Territorial (12).
Habitat: Barrens, Hills, Jungle.
Category: Natural Beast.
Element: Air.

Special: None.

They have human-like intelligence, and are very cunning. Great apes will track and stalk their prey, then use their great size and strength to rend their victims with their terrible claws.

An adult male great ape can stand from 5 1/2 to 6 feet tall, and weigh from 300 to 400 pounds.

Great apes will close with their prey to bite (261+1) or rend with their terrible claws (2d6). They also have excellent senses, and are only surprised on a roll of 1 on 1d6.

The Isle of Ealdun

Great apes are only found off the coast of Southmoor, in the islands south of Ealdun. Legends of them are found throughout the southern lands, though, brought by sailors who have visited those islands and been lucky enough to return alive.

The Middle Lands

Great Apes are mythical creatures in most of the Middle Lands. They are whispered to be found in the southern jungles far to the south, beyond the desert lands of Amrakh. They are also claimed to be found in the rocky foothills of the dead lands of Eazim, and in the badlands of Al Nabada.

The teeth and claws of these creatures are prized by the tribesmen of the southern plains and deserts. The jungle tribes trade them for metals and other goods.

The Vales

Great Apes are unknown in the Vales.

The Shaman’s Valley

Great Apes are unknown in the Valley.

Design Notes

Original Inspiration: Blades & Black Magic, C.R. Brandon; Heroes & Other Worlds, C.R. Brandon; Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, TSR; The Fantasy Trip, Steve Jackson Games.
