Ape, White

Ape, White

White Apes are ape-like creatures that are related to great apes, but thought to be related to humans and yetis as well.

Encounter: 1d6.
ST: 14-20.
DX: 11.
IQ: 7.
MV: 5.
AR: -2 (heavy fur).
DM: 1d6 (bite/claw), 1d6+2 (spear).
Size: 1.
TR: None.
Behavior: Territorial (12).
Habitat: Arctic, Mountains, Underground.
Category: Fantastical Creature.
Element: Water.

Special: None.

White Apes are hairy, intelligent humanoids that live in arctic or snowy climates. They have white fur, gorilla-like faces, and are slightly shorter than normal humans. They have an upright gate more similar to humans, but have long arms with claws like apes.

White apes are known to have basic tribal groupings, living in caves. They use crude stone weapons, such as axes and spears, but nothing more advanced than that.

These creatures are extremely territorial, and will attack anyone who intrudes on their lands. There are also stories of white apes following humans who have passed through their territory, and attacking them from ambush.

White apes will attack with spears and axes, switching to claws and teeth in hand to hand combat when forced. They are also rumored to favor attacking from surprise, often hiding in the white of snow or winter storms to ambush their prey.

White apes will track their prey, then attack from ambush when they have the advantage. They are very patient, and will follow their prey for miles, waiting for the perfect moment to attack.

The Isle of Ealdun

White Apes are not found on the Isle.

The Middle Lands

White Apes are found in the northern reaches of the Great Mountains. They are mythical creatures, and greatly feared by the Tianshangi villagers who venture into their lands.

The Vales

White apes are found in the mountains beyond the Vales. They are legendary creatures, known for their ferocity and cunning.

The Shaman’s Valley

White Apes are not found in the Valley.

I really wanted to find a way to make these like the white apes that Kirk fights in that old Star Trek episode!

Original Inspiration: Blades & Black Magic, C.R. Brandon; Heroes & Other Worlds, C.R. Brandon.
