Beetle, Giant Bombardier

Beetle, Giant Bombardier

20230902: Beetle, Giant Bombardier

Giant bombardier beetles are large insects that live off carrion and offal, building nests in mounds of dead debris.


These large, 6′ long beetles live off of dung and refuse, bullion nests from that and other carrion material. They normally only attack to defend themselves or their eggs.

The undamaged acid gland on their underside is worth 10-20 coins to any alchemist. It can be used to eat through a lock 1d6 times.

Like other vermin, bombardier beetles have low IQ scores, and immunity to all mind-affecting magics, such as charms or illusions. They are also able to see in dark like it is day out to 60 feet.

They possess no treasure, except for that left behind by tits former owners after they were killed by the beetles.


Encounter: 1d6.
ST: 10-15.
DX: 10.
IQ: 1.
MV: 5.
AR: -3 (chitin).
DM: 1d6 (bite).
Size: 1.
TR: None.
Behavior: Cowardly (8)
Habitat: Forest, Jungle, Underground
Category: Fantastical Creature (Vermin).
God: Ab’Ungve.
Element: Void.
_Acid Spray._When attacked or disturbed, the creature can release a 10′ cone of acidic vapor once every other turn. Those within the cone must pass a 3/DX test to avoid it or take 1d6+1 points of acid damage. Non-magical items or equipment sprayed have a 1 in 6 chance of becoming unusable each time it is sprayed.

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