Beetle, Giant Fire

Beetle, Giant Fire

Giant fire beetles are large insects that give off a luminous glow. They can also spray a stream of flaming oil.


Giant fire beetles are vermin about 2′ long. They are nocturnal, and have two glands above their eyes that produce a red glow. Miners and adventurers prize these glands because they glow for 1d6 days after removal from the beetle, illuminating a 10′ radius.

The beetles themselves are generally not aggressive, but will attack if threatened. They attack by biting with their large mandibles, doing 1d6 damage. They can also spray a 5′ stream of flammable oil. The glowing glands of a giant fire beetle are worth 20 silver pieces each.

Like other vermin, fire beetles have low IQ scores, and immunity to all mind-affecting magics, such as charms or illusions. They are also able to see in dark like it is day out to 60 feet.

They possess no treasure, except for that left behind by tits former owners after they were killed by the beetles.

Giant fire beetles can be found in the northern forests of Tianshang, in the foothills near the Great Mountains. They are legendary for the glow at night, where many believe they are demons that come out at night.


Encounter: 1d6.
ST: 8-12.
DX: 9.
IQ: 1.
MV: 5.
AR: -3 (heavy chitin).
DM: 1d6 (bite).
Size: 1.
TR: None.
Behavior: Unpredictable (10).
Habitat: Forests, Underground.
Category: Fantastical Creature (Vermin).
God: Ab’Ungve.
Element: Void.
Fire Stream. Once per day a giant fire beetle can spray a 5′ stream of burning oil. This fire does 1d6 damage for 1d6 turns to anyone who fails a 3/DX test to dodge. Any organic material hit with burning oil has a 1 in 6 chance of being destroyed each turn it is on fire.

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