

Bison are large herd animals that feed on the tall grasses of the plains. They are generally peaceful animals, fighting only to protect themselves and their young.

Encounter: 4d6.
ST: 24-35.
DX: 10.
IQ: 7.
MV: 6.
AR: -2 (fur/hide).
DM: 2d6 (horns/charge), 2d6 (hooves/trample).
Size: 1.
TR: None.
Behavior: Unpredictable (10).
Habitat: Plains.
Category: Natural Beast.
Element: Earth.

Special: Stampede. Frightened herd animals flee in random directions from any apparent danger. A stampeding herd deals 2d6 damage for each 5 bison to any unfortunate soul caught under their hooves.

Bison are herbivores that are roughly 6′ tall, and weight between 1,800-2,400 pounds. They have thick hides, with thick fur about their shoulders and heads. They have also have thick horns on their heads.

They are generally peaceful creatures, who only attack to protect themselves and their young. They are prized for their skins and the large amount of meat they provide.

Bison will generally flee from danger, but if cornered, they will kick with their hooks for 2d6 damage or charge and attack with their stout horns, for 2d6 damage as well. After an initial attack, most bison will try to flee.

The hide of a bison is worth 30 silver pieces. The meat from a bison can feed 6 people for 120 days.

The Vales

Bison are not found in the Vales.

The Isle of Ealdun

Bison are not found on the Isle.

The Middle Lands

Bison can be found on the great Kavasti plains, feeding on the grasses of the wide plains. In the past, bison hunting pushed them to be found only in the southern plains away from populated areas. After the Great Death, bison herds moved north into the plains of the fallen kingdoms in northern Kavast as well.

A trade in their meat and skins has grown up again, but it will be many years before hunting can push them back to the southern and eastern plains as before.

The Shaman’s Valley

Bison are found in small herds in the Valley.

Design Notes

I like bison as creatures, but only my campaigns of the Middle Lands and to some extent the Shaman’s Valley could support them. The southern plains of the Isle are just not big enough nor open enough to support them.

Original Inspiration: Blades & Black Magic, C.R. Brandon; Heroes & Other Worlds, C.R. Brandon; Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, TSR; The Fantasy Trip, Steve Jackson Games.
