

Bad-tempered and somewhat aggressive, wild boars are tough animals that will attack almost any creature.

Encounter: 1d6.
ST: 7-11.
DX: 9.
IQ: 7.
MV: 6.
AR: -2 (thick hide).
DM: 1d6+1 (tusks).
Size: 1.
TR: None.
Behavior: Aggressive (14).
Habitat: Marshes, Jungle, Forest, Forested Hills.
Category: Natural Beast.
Element: Air.

Special: None.

Wild boars are omnivores, usually about 4′ long and 3′ tall. The tend to be covered in black or dark gray coarse hair, with large tusks.

Wild boars can be found in warmer jungles, marshes and forests. They are often hunted for sport or food, and can feed 6 people for 12 days.

Boars will charge opponents, ripping with their tusks and biting with their teeth, both doing 1d6+1 damage. They are so aggressive that they will attack without penalty, even when injured or dying.

The meat from a wild boar can be worth 10-20 silver pieces.

The Isle of Ealdun

Boars can be found throughout the Isle of Ealdun, especially in the northern lands of Northmearc and Braelon, plus the southern forests of Ealdmearc.

The Middle Lands

Wild boars can be found throughout Urre, southern Tianshang and northern Kavast.

The Vales

Boars are found throughout the Vales.

The Shaman’s Valley

Boars can be found throughout the Valley, especially int he southern reaches.

Design Notes

Original Inspiration: Blades & Black Magic, C.R. Brandon; Heroes & Other Worlds, C.R. Brandon; Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, TSR; Swords & Wizardry, Frog God Games.
