

Dogs are canine creatures that come in many different shapes and sizes. They are usually domesticated, but can also be wild and aggressive.

Encounter: 1d6.
ST: 4-8.
DX: 13.
IQ: 6.
MV: 6.
AR: 0.
DM: 1d6-1 (bite).
Size: 1.
TR: None.
Behavior: Territorial (12).
Habitat: Forest, Hills, Forested Hills, Plains, Urban.
Category: Natural Beast.
Element: Air.

Special: None.

Dogs are small to medium-sized, four-legged creatures. Smaller dogs can be from 20-50 pounds, while larger ones can be up to 100 pounds. All have fur of varying length and color.

Most dogs are domesticated and will only attack to protect themselves or their masters. Wild dogs, though will hunt and attack in packs–much like their cousins the wolves.

Groups of dogs will attack by chasing their prey, until it is exhausted and can be dragged down. They will surround their prey, attacking when it is distracted. Their bite does 1d6-1 damage.

Dogs can be found throughout the Middle Lands, in any realm. The wild dog packs of the southern plains of Zaria are well known throughout the land, and are the scourge of the caravans traveling those routes. The great mastiffs of Windhall are known to be highly intelligent as well (IQ 7).

The Isle of Ealdun

Dogs of all sizes and breeds can be found throughout the Isle.

The Middle Lands

Dogs of all sizes and breeds can be found throughout the Middle Lands.

The Vales

Dogs of all sizes and breeds can be found throughout the Vales.

The Shaman’s Valley

Wild dogs are found throughout the Valley. Some have been domesticated by the Tribes for use as pets and guards.

Design Notes

These stats are for a small dog, and can also be used for coyotes, hyenas or other wild dogs.

Original Inspiration: Blades & Black Magic, C.R. Brandon; Heroes & Other Worlds, C.R. Brandon; Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, TSR; The Fantasy Trip, Steve Jackson Games.
