

The frobat is a strange combination of frog and bat, with a big difference: these creatures drink blood.


The frobat looks like a large purple and black toad, but with orange eyes. This gives it an evil appearance, and dark reputation.

They are at home in swamps and caves, and hop on the ground unless spooked. The frobat can then fly on wing-like membranes up to 40′.

Their dark reputation is earned from their ability to drink blood. They have been known to attack people and other animals in swarms. They cling to trees and drop on victims by surprise.

The bite of a frobat does no damage, but a successful attack means it has drained 1 pt of ST.

The eyes and tongues of frobats are prized by witches and alchemists. They are worth 10-20 copper pieces each.

Like other vermin, frobats have low IQ scores, and immunity to all mind-affecting magics, such as charms or illusions. They are also able to see in dark like it is day out to 60 feet.

They possess no treasure, except for that left behind by tits former owners after they were killed by the frobats.

The frobat is usually found in the dark forests of northern Urre, and in the deep forests and marches of northern Kavast.


Encounter: 2d6.
ST: 1-2.
DX: 9.
IQ: 1.
MV: 2/8 (fly).
AR: -1 (fur).
DM: 1 pt/turn.
Size: sub-.
TR: None.
Behavior: Cowardly (8).
Habitat: Marshes, Jungle, Forest, Underground.
Category: Fantastical Creature (Vermin).
God: Ab’Ungve.
Element: None.
Blood Drain. A successful attack by a frobat will drain 1 point of ST from its victim. The frobat will continue to drain blood for up to 3 turns, then drop off. The victim must pass a 3/ST test to knock a frobat off.

Other Info


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