Leech, Giant

Leech, Giant

Giant leeches are dangerous water vermin that are feared by adventurers and commoners alike.


Giant leeches are 3′ long aquatic animals, found in marshes and swamps, but also in caves and sewers. They attack warm blooded creatures, feeding on their blood.

Giant leeches attack by biting with their sharp teeth, doing 1 point of damage. They then drain the blood of their victim until killed.

These disgusting creatures are also know to carry disease, and can pass that on to their victims.

Giant leeches are found in the swamps of Urre and Northern Kavast. They are not known in Tianshang.


Encounter: 2d6.
ST: 7-12.
DX: 7.
IQ: 1.
MV: 3.
AR: 0.
DM: 1pt + drain.
Size: 1.
TR: None.
Behavior: Unpredictable (10).
Habitat: Marshes, Underground.
Category: Fantastical Creature (Vermin).
God: Ab’Ungve.
Element: Void.
Drain. The initial bite of a giant leech does 1 point of damage. The leech then drains 1d2 point of ST, with no AR protection, until killed or knocked off (3/ST test).
Disease. Anyone bitten has 2 in 6 chance of contracting swamp fever. This disease drops the IQ of the infected by 1d6+1 until cured. IQ is then regained at 1 pt per day after cure.

Other Info


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