Man, Serpent

Man, Serpent

Serpent men are intelligent creatures, with the head of a viper, the torso of a human and the lower body of a snake. They are legendary, ancient creatures and greatly feared.


Serpent men are 6-8′ tall, with scaly skin. They are known to be very ancient, with legends that tell of them ruling the land before the advent of humans.

They use curved swords and bows, and have a venomous bite which does 1d6 damage.

Serpent men are nothing more than legends in the Middle Lands, which speak of vast cities in the jungles south of the deserts of Amrakh. Particularly bloody legends speak of invading armies that crossed the deserts to subjugate the peoples of the Middle Lands, but no one knows how true these legends are.


Encounter: 1d6.
ST: 10.
DX: 14.
IQ: 9.
MV: 5.
AR: -1 (scales).
DM: 2d6 (weapon) or 1d6 (bite).
Size: 1.
TR: Pouch + pack.
Behavior: Territorial (12).
Habitat: Jungle.
Category: Fantastical Creature.
God: Xho’al Quuz.
Element: Void.
Poison. The bite of a serpent man is poisonous. Anyone bitten must pass a 3/ST test or take an additional 1d6 of poison damage, with no AR protection. The victim also suffers 1d3 of poison damage each day until an antidote or magical healing is applied.

Other Info


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Design Notes

I like the idea of serpent men (as opposed to reptile men). The concept I had for dragons in the Vales setting matched really neatly with serpent men as their "children." I wanted to have that pulled back into the Middle Lands setting.
