

Morlocks are degenerate humans who have retreated into the darkness of their underground worlds. They fear the light, and are ravenous, unthinking beasts.


Morlocks are humans who long ago left the world above ground and have regressed through years of subterranean living into barely thinking beasts. They no longer remember civilization or the world above ground.

Morlocks stand just over 6′ tall, and weigh 250 lbs. They have grayish skin, with white hair and dead eyes. Some morlocks are priests, and have an IQ of 8-9, and may know 1-2 spells.

Morlocks are unknown in the Middle Lands, although some legends do exist of strange men who live in caves within the Great Mountains, east of Tianshang.


ST: 12-18.
DX: 10.
IQ: 6-9.
MV: 5.
AR: -1 (Cloth).
DM: 1d6 (club).
Size: 1.
TR: Pocket.
Behavior: Territorial (12).
Habitat: Underground.
Category: Fantastical Creature.
God: Lo’Zag’Ho.
Element: Earth.
Leaping Attack. Morlocks may make a single attack when jumping at an enemy. It can make this attack during any point in the leap, from the start, the middle or the end.
Light sensitivity. Morlocks are extremely sensitive to light brighter than a torch. They will suffer a +1 die DRM to any action when exposed to any bright light.

Other Info


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Design Notes
