Moth, Grave

Moth, Grave

Grave moths are prized insects for their sleep-inducing dust. They also like to drain their prey’s blood.


Grave moths are large, gray and brown insects, about 1′ in length and 1-2 lbs. When it flies, its wings give off a shower of sleep-causing dust.

Anyone adjacent or under a grave moth when it flies can be affected by the dust, falling into a deep sleep. The grave moth then attacks, landing on its victim and draining 1 point of ST per turn until they awake.

They are creatures of the dark, and are very sensitive to light.

Like other vermin, grave moths have low IQ scores, and immunity to all mind-affecting magics, such as charms or illusions. They are also able to see in dark like it is day out to 60 feet.

They possess no treasure, except for that left behind by tits former owners after they were killed by the moths.

Grave moths get their name from being commonly found in tombs and graveyards. They can be found throughout the Middle Lands, from the northern lands of Tianshang, to Urre and the tombs of the kings in southern Kavast.


Encounter: 2d6.
ST: 2.
DX: 10.
IQ: 1.
MV: 2/10 (fly).
AR: -2 (chitin).
DM: 1pt (drain).
Size: sub-.
TR: None.
Behavior: Territorial (12).
Habitat: Jungle, Forest, Hills, Plains, Underground.
Category: Fantastical Creature (Vermin).
God: Ab’Ungve.
Element: None.
Sleep Dust. Anyone adjacent or under a grave moth when it flies must pass a 3/ST test or fall into a deep sleep for 1d6 turns. The grave moth will land on the victim and drain blood at 1 point of ST/turn until the victim awakes.
Fear of the Light. Grave moths are extremely sensitive to light. They will suffer a +1 die DRM for any action when exposed to bright light and are stunned on the first turn they are exposed to it.

Other Info


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Design Notes

Original Inspiration: Blades & Black Magic, C.R. Brandon; Heroes & Other Worlds, C.R. Brandon.

I added the desert and barren terrains to allow for the grave moths to be found in the great tombs of the southern Kavasti kings.

Features Design:
Vermin. (0) Creature is of the vermin type, with their benefits and weaknesses. Obviously.
Sleep Dust. (1) Creature spreads a dust-like powder that causes sleep. Anyone touched must pass a 3/ST test or fall into a deep sleep for 1d6 turns. This is a basic feature of the creature.
Fear of the Light. (-1) The creature is extremely sensitive to light. They will suffer a +1 die DRM for any action when exposed to bright light and are stunned on the first turn they are exposed to it. Needed this to balance the sleep dust, and it made sense for things in tombs to hate the light.
