

Ogres are Giant-kin, distantly related, but where Giants are born of Earth, Ogres are born of Fire. They are sadly–and greatly feared.


Ogres are tall, bulky humanoid creatures–about 8′ tall and weighing around 600 lb. They have brownish skin like other giants, but have reddish eyes and pointed ears that usually can be seen with smoke coming from them. They are very hairy, with round features that make them look like rocks.

They are not very intelligent, but are definitely crafty, and prefer to attack from ambush. They are usually found wearing furs or animal skins and armed with clubs or tree limbs.

They are carnivorous, and prefer the meat of humans. They will attack anyone they think they can kill. They eat their victims and keep anything that catches their eye.

One advantage Ogres have is the ability to cast simple fire cantrips, such as creating fires or such. This comes from their creation in fire, and sets them apart from other Giant-kin.

Ogres can be found throughout the Middle Lands, in wilderness or uncivilized areas. They will sometimes work with bandits to rob travelers, but not for very long–they cannot help attacking their allies.

After the Great Death, their numbers dwindled, but grew back to fill the areas abandoned by people. This was more true than any other kind of Giant-kin. In recent years, they have been driven back from the stronger towns and cities, but can still be found in. The dark areas of the land.


Encounter: 1d3.
ST: 25-30.
DX: 9.
IQ: 8.
MV: 6.
AR: -2 (furs).
DM: 2d6+2 (great club), 1d6+2 (spear).
Size: 1.
TR: Pouch + Pack.
Behavior: Unpredictable (10).
Habitat: Forest, Hills, Mountains, Underground.
Category: Fantastical Creature.
God: Lo’Zag’Ho.
Element: Fire.
Evocation (Fire). Ogres can cast basic fire cantrips (nothing greater). They do this to trick or distract victims before attacking them.

Other Info

Mood: Hungry, Cruel, Cowardly.

1 – Bones found outside caves.
2 – Remains of armor or other items scattered about.
3 – Blood smeared on rocks or trees.
4 – Burn marks on the ground or rocks.
5 – Remains of bodies scattered throughout a cavern.
6 – Scarcity of larger wildlife in an area.

1 – Travelers have been disappearing in an area.
2 – Guardsmen have found the remains of travelers on the trail in the hills.
3 – The local lord is hiring soldiers to destroy the monster that is attacking farmers.
4 – The hills beyond town have become dark and dangerous.
5 – There are Giants in the forests beyond the city plains.
6 – Farms beyond the village fields have been attacked by a huge monster.

Design Notes

I like ogres, and not because of the move Shrek. I think they make great enemies, and can be justified in a swords & sorcery setting pretty easily.

I have this idea for giants and their kin in the Middle Lands, where they are really from the ground, literally from the earth. They have rough, round features and are of very varying sizes. Where Giants want to be left alone, Ogres are mean, cruel and aggressive. I wanted them to be born of Fire, with some kind of features from that.
