Snake, Viper

Snake, Viper

Viper snakes are poisonous creatures that often attack when disturbed. Their poison can be deadly if not treated.

Encounter: 1d6.
ST: 4-24.
DX: 10.
IQ: 2.
MV: 7.
AR: 0.
DM: 1d3 to 2d6 (bite).
Size: 1-3.
TR: None.
Behavior: Unpredictable (10).
Habitat: Any, except Arctic.
Category: Natural Beast.
Element: Water.

Special: Poison. 3/ST or be poisoned. +1d6 damage, +1d2 per day until antidote or magical healing. No AR protection.

Like all snakes, viper snakes have a +1 die DRM on all attempts to Detect or Listen for them.

Viper snakes vary greatly in size and colors, but are uniformly deadly due to their poisonous bite. They will lash out when disturbed, before fleeing. The stats for viper snakes depend on size:

Small: ST 4-8, 1d3 bite.
Medium: ST 9-15, 1d6 bite.
Large: ST 16-24, 2d6 bite.

The Isle of Ealdun

Viper snakes are found throughout the Isle, particularly in the southern regions of the Varge. The varieties found in the Varge are particularly feared.

The Middle Lands

Viper snakes an be found throughout the Middle Lands, except in the far north and the cold reaches of the Great Mountains. The viper snakes of Amrakh are especially feared for their fast acting and very deadly poisons.

The Vales

Vipers are found throughout the Vales.

The Shaman’s Valley

Vipers are not found in the Valley.

Design Notes

Original Inspiration: Blades & Black Magic, C.R. Brandon; Heroes & Other Worlds, C.R. Brandon; The Fantasy Trip, Steve Jackson Games.
