Tiger, Sabertooth

Tiger, Sabertooth

Sabertooths are massive cats, and fierce predators. The have massive canine teeth, and are feared creatures.

Encounter: 1d2.
ST: 45-60.
DX: 13.
IQ: 6.
MV: 8/2 (swim).
AR: -1 (fur).
DM: 2d6+3 (bite or claw).
Size: 1.
TR: None.
Behavior: Territorial (12).
Habitat: Forest, Forest Hills, Hills, Mountains.
Category: Natural Beast.
Element: Fire.

Special: Grapple. If they successful grapple, sabertooths can rake with their claws with an automatic hit until grapple is broken.

Pounce. If the sabertooth surprises or charges its victim, a successful attack does double damage with both claws (2d6+3 x2).

Sabertooth tigers are fearsome predators, weighing between 500-800 lbs., and are up to 8′ in length. They are fond of mammoths and bison.

Like other big cats, they prefer to creep up on their prey, attacking from ambush. They attack with their terrible teeth for 2d6+3 damage, and their claws for 2d6+3 damage as well.

The tusks from sabertooths are highly prized by the northern barbarian tribes, as well as their hides.

The Isle of Ealdun

Sabertooths are found in the northern parts of the Fierinwood Forest, and the slops of the Morrigan Mountains.

The Middle Lands

Sabertooths are found in the great northern forests and hill country from Tianshang to Urre. They can also be found in the great mountains as well, as far south as the Zarian plains.

The Vales

Sabertooth are found in the mountain walls of the Vales, and in the mountains beyond. During deep winters, they can be found in the Upper Vales.

The Shaman’s Valley

Sabertooth tigers are found throughout the Valley. They are greatly feared creatures, and to kill one is the true marks of a hunter.

Design Notes

Original Inspiration: Blades & Black Magic, C.R. Brandon; Heroes & Other Worlds, C.R. Brandon; Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, TSR; The Fantasy Trip, Steve Jackson Games.
