

Toads are small amphibians that can be found almost anywhere in wet marches or jungles. They are also frequently used by sorcerers to power their spells.

Encounter: 2d6.
ST: 1.
DX: 8.
IQ: 2.
MV: 2/2 (swim).
AR: 0.
DM: 0.
Size: Sub.
TR: None.
Behavior: Cowardly (8).
Habitat: Marshes, Jungle, Fresh Water.
Category: Natural Beast.
Element: Water.

Special: None.

Toads are small amphibian vermin that can be found in any wet area, especially swamps and riverbanks. They can be hard to find–their coloration gives them a +2 DRM against Detect tests.

They are also edible–6 pairs of legs are enough for a meal. Their real value is to sorcerers, who use them as sacrifices for sources of strength for their spells.

The Isle of Ealdun

Toads can be found throughout the Isle, including the river valleys of the Varge.

The Middle Lands

Toads can be found throughout the Middle Lands, except in the very far north and the dry desert lands of the south.

The Vales

Toads can be found throughout the Vales.

The Shaman’s Valley

Toads can be found in the southern parts of the Valley. They are not found near the northern Great Ice.

Design Notes

Original Inspiration: Blades & Black Magic, C.R. Brandon; Heroes & Other Worlds, C.R. Brandon.
