
Gaming Controversial Subjects in History

One of the most difficult things about roleplaying is handling very real issues such as sexism, racism, intolerance, abuse and other controversial subjects. From one standpoint, they are great story hooks. From another, unless handled well, they can very easily offend people--a lot. Playing solo helps me avoid most of those pitfalls, but I still have to be aware of them.

The Death of GURPS

It is probably a strong statement to say something like "the death of GURPS," but I generally feel like it (says the guy who likes the game that inspired GURPS, The Fantasy Trip). But I just see a general trend in how Steve Jackson Games is supporting GURPS over the last few years--and I'm not the only one.

What I Want From the New Fantasy Trip

Now that Steve Jackson has the rights to The Fantasy Trip, Steve Jackson Games is pressing ahead very quickly to update the rules for a new release. There has been a lot of discussion on the SJG Forums about what people want to see changed or not changed in the new Fantasy Trip. I guess I am a purist at heart--I only want to change a few things...

Dueling in The Fantasy Trip

One of the things that I loved about The Fantasy Trip was dueling. The game was just geared towards it from the start--the whole idea of the arena was just obvious. But I always wanted to take it further. Not just the fight in the arena, but outside in the "real world." Is dueling common? Is it mundane or magical? What kind of rules are there to control duels?

Possessions and Exorcisms

Possession is a classic feature of fantasy and horror fiction and gaming. In The Fantasy Trip, possessions occurs when a wizard casts the Possession spell. "Exorcism" takes place when the Dissolve Enchantment spell is cast on the victim. That's fine--but there could be so much more to possession and exorcism than that...

Old Space Gamer Articles

I have been reading a bunch of old Space Gamer magazines, looking for articles about The Fantasy Trip. I got the ones I could find from Steve Jackson Games, but I also saw some issues of Interplay on Amazon. (Haven't bought those yet). They had a number of great articles, but they were more like a snapshot of the gaming industry in the late 70s and through the 80s.