

I recently found the Swords & Wizardry WhiteBox: Gothic supplement from Barrel Rider Games, and was kinda blown away. I've been looking for ideas to add elements of horror to my TFT games, and and this really fit the bill. Here is my take on how to fit those elements into The Fantasy Trip.

Old School Revival

Lately I have been reading a lot of articles on the web about OSR, or Old School Revival (or Renaissance). These usually refer to retro-clones of D&D, games that are copies of the original, trying to improve upon them but retaining the "feel" of game or time. While people are usually talking about D&D, the concept still applies to The Fantasy Trip.

The Fantasy Trip Returns Home

By now most of you have heard the news that Steve Jackson has regained the rights to The Fantasy Trip. This announcement on December 26th took the TFT community by storm, with an overwhelmingly positive reaction. This is truly great news for lovers of the game, but some things are uncertain moving forward.

Fear and Loathing in TFT

One gaming aspect that was missed in The Fantasy Trip was fear. Why does that matter? One view was that most adventurers seemed to be psychotic killers who were never affected by all of the blood, gore, monsters and the supernatural that were all around them. Another is that in the years since TFT was published, roleplaying has come a long way.

The Value of Free Stuff

Last weekend I went on a rampage, scarping up everything I could find for free or Pay What You Want (PWWYW) on DriveThruRPG. I'll be honest--there is a lot of crap out there that is not even worth the download. But there is a lot of great stuff that really is worth the time to download--especially if it is free!