
Some Interplay Spells

A very nice friend sent me a PDF of the old Metagaming magazine, Interplay. I had always meant to go dig those up or find them on the interwebs, and this inspired me to go find the rest. I did not get a chance to read them back in the day, which is a shame--they are fun reads. One of my goals was to republish info from them--and here you go...

Fire Magic

Fire magic is a very popular kind of magic in fantasy RPGs, and it is a personal favorite of mine. When I first started playing The Fantasy Trip, I wanted the fire spells like Fireball to go into combat. As I have grown "older" I have come to appreciate many more subtleties to the art of fire magic.

Converting Spells from GURPS to TFT

One of the fun things about getting into The Fantasy Trip again is fleshing out the spell list from the wealth of resources available today. Admittedly the spell list in Advanced Wizard was more of a starting point for wizards, not a complete end-all listing. Spells need to be "borrowed" from sources... And here is some help converting spells from GURPS to TFT.

Ceremonial Magic in The Fantasy Trip – Part I

This is the first part of a two part series on ceremonial magic. One of the things that always intrigued me about The Fantasy Trip was the ability of groups of wizards to work together to cast big spells. The canon rules only covered creating magic items, but the possibilities were so much more. Here is my attempt at proving ways to take group-based spell casting to the next level.

Magical Styles in The Fantasy Trip

In a previous article, I wrote about some suggestions for fighting styles in The Fantasy Trip. As with fighting styles, there can also be magical styles as well. Magical styles can cover a wide range of game effects, but I want to suggest a use similar to that of fighting styles: something to add color and background flavor, treated much like a talent.

Sorcery is More than You Think

Sorcery! Ever since I read the Master of the Five Magics in high school, I fell in love with the idea that magic had different aspects and properties. If you look at the real history of magic, plus what else has been written in the modern era, you can really see this in practice. Sorcery is one aspect of magic that is particularly useful.