
Thieving Spells

Sometimes being bad feels good. The popularity of thieves as characters in roleplaying games is proof of that--whether traditional fantasy thieves or Mafia-types, players love their rogues. While The Fantasy Trip has a number of spells that aid the wizardly thief, players can always use a few more. Here are a few more thieving spells to help you be bad...

Magical Backlash in The Fantasy Trip

I've always been intrigued with the idea of magical backlash--something fantastic when a wizard screws up. Even a wizard with a stupidly high IQ can fail a spell on a roll of 16, 17 or 18. Unfortunately, the canon rules for Advanced Wizard do not take into account when a wizard suffers a critical failure. Here are some suggestions for rectifying that omission.

Gothic Magic Items

Some magic items are beacons of light, weapons in the war against evil. On the other hand, some magic items are definitely turned towards the darkness. They are not bright, serving some other form of terrible beacon... Here are a couple magic items that serve that path, following the darkness...

Magic in Low Fantasy Settings

Since I got back into gaming, one of the things I noticed was the talk about "low fantasy" gaming. In the past, I never really thought about it, but I absolutely understand where the idea is coming from. The trick for The Fantasy Trip is to implement it in a way that preserves the rules for magic as much as possible, while giving the campaign the feel that the players and GM are looking for.