Keeping Things Simple

Keeping Things Simple

Why play The Fantasy Trip and not GURPS? Why go… backwards? I don’t think that it is backwards, not really. The beauty of TFT is its simplicity.

Yes, I want to add more spells and talents. Yes, I want to add more beasts and other nasties. But keeping things simple is my overwhelming philosophy here–no matter how tempting complexity can be!

As I have poked around the Internet, looking for TFT materials, I found a number of people who put out their house rules for TFT campaigns. Many of them included additional attributes and other ways to expand the basic system as written.

I really want to resist that temptation! The main reason I don’t want to add additional attributes is to avoid adding rule bloat. That is my main problem with GURPS–the complexity gets in the way of the fun.

And that philosophy applies to other additions to TFT. Keep it simple. Add capabilities, but not complexity. Add things to make the game more fun, but not at the cost of playability and enjoyment.

Over time I will be adding more spells, talents and even weapons. I will even be questioning rules and suggesting tweaks. But the general philosophy of keeping things simple is the one I will always strive to keep.

Marko ∞

(Originally published on, on 2/22/2015.)
