Setting Information for the Middle Lands

Setting Information for the Middle Lands

Recently I have made a more solid effort to get the information about the Middle Lands setting out of my head and onto the virtual page. I hope to get much of this drafted and out there for everyone to read by the end of the year.

More Setting Information

As I updated the look & feel of the website, I took the opportunity to clean up the organization of information about the Middle Lands setting. I wanted to get the information a little more organized and easier to read.

I also took the time to plan out the information I needed to get out of my head and my notes and into a coherent and readable format.

Sources For Adventure

The information I will be publishing is going to focus on the land of Yengzhi, in the central part of the Middle Lands. While I have maps of the whole strip on land that encapsulates the Middle Lands, I wanted to focus on a smaller area.

That area is the Duchy of Kahkuch, in the northern highlands of Yengzhi. The reasons for focusing my attention there are:

  1. It allows me to build a manageable chunk of the setting, and not try to bite off more than I can chew. I can start small, and develop more details within the general framework I already have in my head.

  2. It focuses on an area of maximum cultural and historical conflict. Yengzhi and the highlands are a great crossroads area, with different cultures colliding.

  3. It is a classic borderlands area, with wilderness all around it. The Duchy is on a major highway, with a dead kingdom on the other side of the mountains, and other realms of Yengzhi around it. Even these realms have wide areas that are underpopulated, and wild themselves.

All of which provides story and adventure hooks galore!

What’s the Plan?

The plan is this: start in the city of Mahmude, in the Duchy of Kahkuch. I am working on a regional map of that area, with detail down to the 1 mile hex level. That will give me a much better view of exactly how the land looks, with the ability to better plan out setting details. I hope to have that done by the end of the year, if not before.

I am also working on fleshing out the information about the lands, society and politics of the region. I have most of this information either written down in my notes, or in my head. I just need to get them written up in a coherent manner that makes sense to other human beings.

Finally, I want to get some adventuring information out there for people to read and use. That includes a few starting adventures, gaming info about people and places, some suggested ideas for your own adventures in the Middle Lands.

I will be writing some articles about all of this as I go, along with posting some info about my house rules for magic and hexcrawling. Stay tuned for all of that, as well as more setting info. Thanks for being patient, and let me know what you think about all of this!

Marko ∞

(Originally published on, on 11/20/2020.)
