

I recently found the Swords & Wizardry WhiteBox: Gothic supplement from Barrel Rider Games, and was kinda blown away. I’ve been looking for ideas to add elements of horror to my TFT games, and and this really fit the bill. Here is my take on how to fit those elements into The Fantasy Trip.

If you stare into the Abyss long enough, sometimes the Abyss stares into you…

Evil From the Abyss…

One of the key things I liked about Whitebox:Gothic was the concept that evil can have a lasting impact on people, and with more exposure, corrupt them entirely. (I also love the concept of corruption in the game Symbaroum, but that’s another article…) The idea that evil affects not only the people involved, but the world around them runs through much of folklore, as much as popular fiction.

In game terms, evil can have lasting or even permanent effects on characters. Constant exposure to real evil, being the victim of evil acts, and especially committing those very acts can affect the characters personality, abilities–and body. Evil corrupts anything around it, in a growing cycle of more and more corruption.

To quantify these effects, the concept of "corruption points" is introduced. All characters start with 0 corruption points. This is not a new attribute, but more of a running total. Any time a character is exposed to real evil, or commits an evil act, he must make a saving roll of 3 dice vs. IQ.

Each event or act also has a saving roll modifier as well. If he fails, he gains an appropriate number of corruption points. For suggestions on evil acts and their corruption point worth, as well as the modifier to the saving roll, see the table below:

Corruption Table

Act or Event Saving Roll Modifier Corruption Points
Witnessing an act of extreme brutality or torture. 0 1
Failing a fright check when dealing with the supernatural or evil. 0 1
Seeing an undead creature for the first time. 0 1
Encountering a demon for the first time. -1 1
Having your mind controlled or dreams invaded. -1 1
Defiling a holy site. -1 1
Breaking a holy vow. -1 1
Being the victim of extreme brutality or torture. -2 2
Making an alliance or pact with a demon. -3 3
Betrayal of a family member or close friend. -2 2
Committing an act of extreme brutality or torture. -3 3
Committing cold-blooded murder. -4 4
Committing large-scale murder or genocide. -8 8

The effects of corruption are permanent, and cumulative. As the character accumulates corruption points, the effects of the evil will begin to be seen on the character and affect those around him.

When a character reaches five corruption points, the effects of the evil will begin to show. Dogs or other animals may become skittish or refuse to be around him. Maybe other people will feel cold, or uncomfortable in his presence.

At ten corruption points, the character becomes obviously affected by the evil that has taken root. Maybe his eyes reflect a red light, he starts to mutter to himself in a dark tongue that hurts others ears–something that really shows that the person has become affected by evil.

It is at this point that physical effects also start to appear. At the GM’s discretion, a character may receive a +1 bonus to one attribute to show the strength that the evil is providing him. He also may gain some ability or knowledge that also is tied to that evil. Unfortunately, the character must also suffer an even worse penalty, a -2 to another attribute.

This could be a -2 to DX rolls in daylight, or in the presence of justifiably good characters or holy places. Another could be a -2 to ST due to a weakness in an arm or leg. The character should also gain a -1 on all reaction rolls.

At 15 corruption points or more, the character is now either completely insane or obviously an evil monster. The character would now start to show their corruption in their physical appearance as well as mental state. The character should now gain some form of major insanity, as well as -2 to all reaction rolls.

The GM and player should work out the roleplaying effects at each level, and try to tie them to the events or actions that gained the corruption points. The more the effects are tied to the storyline itself, the better.


In addition, many places can also retain the evil that has taken place there. This could be a particularly cruel murder, a place where ritual human sacrifice has taken place or where a demon has been summoned. The residual evil–the dread–these places have shows itself in the physical environment.

The effects of dread can be shown in game terms by giving the location a rating from 1 to 6, with 6 being the highest. A place haunted by a ghost may have a dread rating of only 1, but the scene of human sacrifice for a demon summoning would definitely have a 6. All light sources in the area have their range reduced by 1 MH for each dread rating point, and all to hit rolls, saving rolls against fear and attempts to repel undead are also reduced by 1 for each dread point.

And do not forget to play up the fear. The dread, the corruption of others–these all add to the players being forced to make saving rolls for fear checks.

To incorporate fear checks along with dread, when a character encounters a frightening situation or enters an area of dread, have the player roll 3 dice vs. IQ, modifying as above for dread rating. If the character fails, use the following table to determine the effects:

Fear Check Failure Table

3-4: Loss of initiative. Recover normally.
5-6: Stunned for 1d seconds.
7-10: Stunned for 2d seconds.
11-14: Run in fear.
15-16: Faint for 1d minutes.
17-18: Develop phobia. Roll another 3/IQ to avoid losing 1 point of IQ.


Another common gothic element is that of curses. In TFT, curses are caused by the Curse spell. They are pretty effective over time, but they are also pretty bland. A much more effective way to implement curses in TFT is to identify levels of curses, then have varying effects for each. In addition, anyone can lay a curse on someone, not just wizards. Curses are extremely emotional actions, with extreme risks to the one laying the curse–and not to be done lightly.

To use curses in TFT terms, there are two kinds: minor and major curses. Minor curses are noticeable to a character, but not catastrophic. Dogs may bark or become disruptive in the character’s presence, or flowers may wilt. The exact effects depend on the curse. Dice rolls are affected just as if a Curse spell had been cast on the subject with a ST of 4 or less (-1 or -2 to all rolls). The character will also receive a -1 on all reaction rolls if it suspected or known if the are cursed.

Major curses are far worse, and definitely make life difficult for the victim. As with minor curses, major curses show their effects in the world around the victim. They also show effects on the victim himself–maybe in a mark that cannot be concealed, a feeling of dread that follows the him, or some form of physical flaw that is obvious to anyone. Dice rolls are affected as with minor curses well, but with greater roll modifiers (3 or more). The character also receives a definite -2 on ALL reaction rolls, whether the curse is known or not.

When someone attempts to lay a curse on someone else, the curse must be clearly identified and spelled out. This includes both the effects of the Curse spell cast by a wizard, or by a "normal" curse cast by a non-wizard. The caster then rolls 3 dice vs. DX, applying the modifiers listed below. The caster may also choose to accept up to 4 additional corruption points to aid in the laying of the curse. Each point of corruption accepted modifies the roll by +1.

If the roll is made, the curse takes effect. All corruption points take effect regardless of whether the curse is successful or not.

Curse Modifiers

Curse if justified: 0
Curse is unjustified: -4
Curse is particularly suited to the crime: +2
Curse is minor: 0
Cure is major: -2

Breaking a curse is also very difficult. The victim of a Curse spell can have it removed by having a Remove Thrown Spell or Remove Curse (see below) cast successfully on him. Other curses generally require some form of satisfaction made to the caster of the curse, a Wish, or the Remove Curse spell cast on them.

Dark Sorcery

Ah, foul magic! Dark spells are also a common theme in gothic lore. There is a direct tie between dark or evil magics and the effects of corruption. While most spells, like any weapon, can be used for good or bad, a few spells really earn corruption points when they are cast.

Some spells, like the Summon Demon or Death spells, obviously corrupt the caster. Others such as Blind, Fear and Shapeshift can have corrupting effects, too. When a spell is cast that has a corruption point listed, the caster must make a saving roll of 3 dice vs. IQ. If the caster fails, he gains the corruption points listed. (The Grimoire and spell list have been updated to list any corruption points the spells may have).

Another influence of evil on magic is that on magic items. Items like the Hand of Glory, Rings of Control or Zombie Ring would obviously cause some form of corruption from their evil nature–both to those who made them and those who would use them. People who use evil-natured magic items must make a saving roll against IQ each day they are used or gain 1 point of corruption. Wizards who create those same magic items must also make a saving roll when the item is created or gain 2 points of corruption.

In a campaign with gothic elements, some new spells are needed for TFT to help support those themes. Here are a few:

IQ 12:
REMOVE FEAR: (T) [S&W WhiteBox:Gothic] (T) Spell negates the effects of the Fear spell or the effects of dread in a particular area. The area affected is up to 1 mega-megahex. Cost to cast: 4 ST, plus 1 ST for each point of dread removed. Time to cast: 1 turn.

IQ 15
DEATHSPEAK: (S) [S&W WhiteBox:Gothic] Allows the caster to communicate with the dead. The wizard must have physical contact with at least part of the corpse, or an item of great importance to the dead person. The caster can ask the dead person 1 question per turn and receive an answer. The dead is under no obligation to tell the truth. ST cost: 5, plus 2 to maintain. Time to cast: 6 turns. Duration: 1 turn. Corruption points: 1.

IQ 18
PURIFICATION: (S) [S&W WhiteBox:Gothic] (T) Removes one point of corruption from the subject. Regardless of whether the subject is willing or not, they must make a saving roll of 3 dice against IQ. The spell is modified by -1 for each corruption point the subject has. If they succeed, the spell fails–even on a willing subject. The caster must also make a saving roll against IQ to avoid gaining 1 corruption point himself in the process. Cost to cast: 50 ST. Time to cast: 10 minutes, and can only be cast once per week.

IQ 19:
BLIGHT: (T) [S&W WhiteBox:Gothic] (S) Curses the area around the wizard, permanently raising the dread level by 1 point. The area affected is one with a 3 MH radius (caster’s MH +2). ST to cast: 20 ST. Time to cast: 5 minutes. This spell can only be cast once per week. Corruption points: 2.

IQ 19:
REMOVE CURSE: (T) [S&W WhiteBox:Gothic] (T) Removes a minor or major curse from its subject. Includes curses from either the Curse spell or those laid by a non-wizard. The subject takes 1d damage in the process of removing the curse, and the caster must also make a saving roll against IQ to avoid gaining 1 corruption point himself in the process. Cost to cast: 40 ST for a minor curse, 80 ST for a major curse. Time to cast: 30 minutes, and can only be cast once per week.

IQ 20:
SUMMON UNDEAD: (C) [S&W WhiteBox:Gothic] (C) The wizard summons forth up to 4d skeletons from an area in size up to 1 mega-megahex. If there are no bodies buried in that area, the spell has no effect. The skeletons will follow the orders of the caster for 2 hours or until they are destroyed. ST to cast: 30 ST. Duration: 2 hours. Time to cast: 6 turns. Corruption points: 2 points.

IQ 20:
BANISH UNDEAD: (S) [S&W WhiteBox:Gothic] (T) Spell causes all undead in an area of 1 mega-megahex to flee the caster. Lesser undead, such as skeletons and zombies will turn to dust and be destroyed. Greater undead, such as ghosts, and wraiths will flee the caster as in the Avert spell and be unable to return for 1 day. ST cost to cast: 10 ST. Time to cast: 3 turns.

New Monsters

Hey–what would a horror-based campaign be without new scary monsters? Here are some that fit in the themes of a gothic horror campaign, and have been added to the Bestiary:

Blood Ravens: Blood ravens are large, red-eyed, black ravens that are commonly found on battlefields or graveyards. They have a particular appetite for the eyes of their victims.

Breath Stealers: Breath stealers are creatures that look like common house cats, but are demonic creatures that steal the souls of wizards as they sleep.

Witch’s Trees: Witch’s Trees are cursed trees, said to grow over the grave a hanged witch. They charm their victims, drawing them in until they kill them and devour their flesh.

Skinwalkers: Skinwalkers are terrible creatures who want nothing more to spread chaos and despair by killing their victims, tear off their skins and wear them as they look for more victims.

Take What You Want

OK. That’s a lot to add to TFT… As with any house rules, take what you want and leave the rest. Feel free to use all of this, modify it–or ignore it completely. What these additions do is force players to really consider their actions–and the consequences they will have.

No matter what you do, if you want to add gothic elements to your campaign, make sure that you get all of your players to agree before you make any changes. And have fun!

And, hey–if you like these rules, and want to read more, I really suggest you grab a copy of WhiteBox:Gothic. It is cheap, and absolutely worth the cost.

Marko ∞

(Originally published on, on 11/17/2017.)
