Magic In the Vales

Magic In the Vales

Magic in the Vales setting is closer to a Swords & Sorcery feel, but with a few changes. It is rarely in the hands of humans, and is mostly found in monsters and the darker portions of the Vales and beyond.

Level of Magic

Magic in the Vales is a dark and dangerous thing. It is a power that comes from the Void beyond the stars, and rules the gods as well as the Mortal World. It is risky and unpredictable–and feared.

Magic is very rare in the hands of mortal humans. It can mostly be seen in the supernatural monsters that haunt the land, and in the dark places of power throughout the Vales. Legends speak of even darker magic beyond the Vales, but only a handful of adventurers have ventured there and returned.

Still, some places in the Vales are known to be full of magic, such as the Fulmhor Forest. These places are legendary and filled with evil monsters and magical creatures. Normal people rightly shun these places and fear to go to them.

Wizards In the Vales: Adepts

For humans, true wizards in the Vales are rare, with only about 1 in 5,000 people having enough talent and power to be called a wizard. That has led to only around 40 wizards being known in the Eight Vales today.

Also, in the Vales, wizards are known as "Adepts," and evil ones being known as "sorcerers." In a practical sense, few wizards will be player characters. Almost all will be known NPC Adepts, who have been revealed to the world and have established themselves in the lands.

These Adepts typically are powerful people in Vale society, some advising kings or wealthy nobles, others busying themselves in the affairs of the Vales, and others pursuing their own personal goals. Regardless, most common people see them as strange at best, or outright fear them and their abilities at worst.

Also, because of the small number of Adepts, there are no "schools of magic." Each Adept is trained by a master, who passes on knowledge of his magical Path to his student. This makes spell books extremely rare, and even more valuable than in other settings. Almost every spell will have a unique name, usually after some original Adept who created the spell.

Magic and Religion

Adepts and the various religions of the Vales tend to have an uneasy balance in daily life, bordering on mistrust and antagonism. While it is known that high priests and priestesses of the Temples of the Wolf and the Raven have what are considered magical powers, they are not seen as true Adepts. As such, most priests shun wizards or sorcerers, while the Adepts look down on priests as pretenders or charlatans.

For common people, Adepts are generally feared and avoided. Priests they can understand, but Adepts are beyond comprehension. Nobles, on the other hand, usually tend to see Adepts as useful allies or powerful servants–if the Adept will consent to working for the noble.

No matter what, magic is something that only the truly gifted, desperate or foolish pursue. It is almost impossible to control, and most people will see its harmful effects in the dark and dangerous places around the Vales–and the monsters they hold.

Marko ∞


  1. I like it! Keeps magic kind of mysterious, which is all to the good!

    1. Marc Tabyanan Marc Tabyanan says:

      That’s the goal… Keeping magic mysterious is a big part of the wonder of fantasy gaming. The same thing goes for monsters as well. If everyone knows the answers, like out of a cookbook… then what’s the point of exploring?
