Mind Control Spells for TFT

Mind Control Spells for TFT

Some of the cornerstone enchantments in fantasy tales are those of enchanting other people’s minds, making them do things they do not want to do. Dark spells. Evil spells. The Fantasy Trip has a number of mind control spells to do this, but here are a few more…

What Exists Now?

Advanced Wizard actually has a number of spells that you could use for mind control. Keep in mind that most of these spells would have to be considered evil. Taking control or altering another being’s mind is a dark thing, and should be roleplayed as such. While spells like Persuasiveness are not truly evil, they could anger anyone they are cast on!

Confusion. A simple spell, with limited effects.
Persuasiveness. A little more powerful, with targets control.
Word of Command. Definitely mind control territory now. Depending on the Word, it can be very dark.
Calling. As it is written in Advanced Wizard, this spell cannot call a specific person, but rather a type of creature. There are examples, though, of wizards Calling a person by name to them–that is pretty strong mind control.
Geas. Any spell strong enough to compel someone to perform a task for the caster definitely has deals with mind control. The command can be good or evil–the should be played as such.
Fear. Another strong spell, when used it does involve some form of mind control.

Control Person. OK, real heavy-duty mind control here. This, and Possession are really evil, twisted spells.
Possession. Control, pure and simple. This spell is absolutely evil, ripping any free will from the victim, no matter what they are forced to do.

The Spells

The spells listed above are pretty good, and cover a wide range of effects. But what else can we have? Take a look at these:

IQ 11:
ENTHRALL: (T) [GURPS] The wizard casts an enthralling tale or gives an otherwise absorbing performance. Anyone in earshot who can see or hear the wizard and understand the language spoken falls under the spell. Those Enthralled will act as though mesmerized by the caster, and can perform no other actions. Victim can resist the Enthrall spell with a roll of 3d against their IQ. Any victim who is shaken or attacked will immediately break free of the spell, but lose any initiative. Cost: 3 ST to cast, 3 ST to maintain. Duration: 1 hour.

Note: This spell can be used by evil wizards, but can also be used by performers. Roleplay it and have fun.

IQ 13:
COMPEL TRUTH: (T) [GURPS] Control spell. The subject cannot lie, although they can remain silent or tell partial truths. The subject will not be forced to volunteer any information, but what she does say must be truthful as they know it. Cost to cast: 3 ST, 2 ST to maintain. Duration: 1 minute. Resisted by 3d against IQ.

IQ 13:
LOYALTY: (T) [GURPS] Control spell. Spell makes the subject loyal to the caster. The subject will act as a loyal henchman, obeying the caster’s orders. In the absence of explicit orders, the subject will act in the caster’s best interest. If the subject is told to do something hazardous, the subject gets another roll 3d against IQ. ST cost: 4. DOUBLE this cost if the subject is an enemy of the caster. Lasts 1 month. If the caster attacks the subject, the spell is broken immediately.

IQ 15:
NIGHTMARE: (T) [GURPS] Control spell. Causes the sleeping subject to have a nightmare of the caster’s choice. The subject gets a saving roll of 3 dice against IQ. If the spell is successful, the subject gets no rest for that night and loses 2 ST. If cast the next night, the subject will another 2 ST. If the subject reaches a ST of 0, he will fall into a coma and die in 2d unless Dissolve Enchantment is cast on him. Cost: 6 ST.

MADNESS: (T) [GURPS] Control spell. The spell causes the victim to go temporarily insane. The caster selects the severity of the madness, and the GM selects the form. Roleplay the results.

Mild: Delusions, flashbacks, confusion, paranoia.
Severe: Hallucinations, delusions, chronic depression.
Extreme: Catatonia–incapacitation.

ST cost depends on severity: 2 ST for mild, 4 ST for severe and 6 ST for extreme. Half that cost to maintain. Duration: 1 minute.

There are more possibilities out there. Other RPGs have many different mind control spells of different degrees of control. I will keep looking and post more as I can.

Marko ∞

(Originally published on, on 3/24/2017.)
