The Black Sword of Twilight and the Staff of Spring

The Black Sword of Twilight and the Staff of Spring

The conflict between good and evil is important, if not critical, to fantasy literature in general and fantasy gaming in particular. In this look into the Chest of Enchantment, we see examples of one of each–the Black Sword of Twilight and the Staff of Spring

The Black Sword of Twilight

The Black Sword of Twilight is a sword with a dark past. It allows the bearer to strike more true–but seems to make the bearer more slow-witted as well. The bearer does not forget any talents or spells, but he just cannot seem to remember them…

The Black Sword gives its wielder +2 DX, but also lower their IQ by 2 as well. In addition, the Black Sword cannot be willingly put down or let go–the bearer must roll 3/IQ the first day to put the Sword down. Each day after that, the Black Sword requires 1 more die per day to let go, up to 6/IQ on the 4th day. The bearer can only roll once per day, with each roll at -2 IQ.

The Black Sword is a black metal broadsword, with a silver inlaid hilt. It has curious designs wrought in its hilt, with vines and serpents intertwined along the length of the hilt. The Black Sword maintains a grip on the bearer’s mind, giving the feeling that it is always watching him.

It was created as part of a series of weapons for an evil cult. The swords were given to the high priestess’ bodyguards, ensuring that they were effective, but also loyal. All of the swords were thought to have been destroyed when the cult was broken long ago, but one was smuggled out by one of the attackers. The Black Sword was passed among various bearers, and eventually passed into legend.

Lesser Magic Item
Price: $79,000.
Weeks to Make: 88 weeks.
ST/day: 400 ST/day.
Cost/Week of Ingredients: $14,800.
Starting Item and Ingredients Required: A finely-wrought broadsword, worth $200; 88 doses Decrease IQ potion; 64 doses Decrease ST potion; 64 doses Decrease DX potion.

The Staff of Spring

The Staff of Spring is a legendary stave, known for its control over plant life. The Staff allows the bearer to double plant growth each day it is used.

The range of its use is 1 megahex, for 2 ST. Adding additional MH in range doubles the cost. For example, adding 1 MH beyond the base MH costs 4 ST, adding 2 MH beyond the base MH costs 8 ST. The casting time for these effects is 1 hour, and the effects are permanent.

The Staff is a rough wooden stave, with a silver cup footing and a head that looks vaguely like a wooden hand. It has runes inlaid around the length of the Staff on one side, which look as if they were burned into it.

The Staff can only be used by a wizard. When possessed by a wizard and actively used, it will begin to grow small leaves on the head end. When it is not being used by a wizard for more than 1 week, the leaves will begin to wither and die.

The Staff of Spring was created by a group of wizards who were dedicated to plant magic, and the care-taking of the land. The Staff was lost when the wizards’ hold was overrun and sacked by a horde of orcs many years ago. Over the years, the Staff has been rumored to have been used by various wizards or groups, but no one can say for certain where it is today.

Lesser Magic Item
Price: $20,000.
Weeks to Make: 18 weeks.
ST/day: 75 ST/day.
Cost/Week of Ingredients: $20 ci
Starting Item and Ingredients Required Weekly: Rough wooden staff, worth nothing; a silver cup footing, worth $200.

These two magic items have opposite and very different uses, one for the darkness and one for the light. While neither item is Earth-shattering or something that will sway the Grand Battle, they both serve their masters in their own way. Be wary of each…

Marko ∞

(Originally published on, on 4/6//2018.)
