Thieving Spells

Thieving Spells

Sometimes being bad feels good. The popularity of thieves as characters in roleplaying games is proof of that–whether traditional fantasy thieves or Mafia-types, players love their rogues. While The Fantasy Trip has a number of spells that aid the wizardly thief, players can always use a few more. Here are a few more thieving spells to help you be bad…

What Exists Now?

There are a number of spells that already exist in Wizard/Advanced Wizard that are great for being a thief. Here are a few of the most obvious ones:

  • Reveal/Conceal, and Lock/Knock. Ah, the classics… These spells are the thieves’ basic tools of the trade.
  • Telekinesis. Another spell that is useful for a little Breaking & Entering…
  • Detect/Analyze/Reveal Magic. Some more classic spells that help the thief figure out how to steal something, figure out how to not get killed stealing it–and then figure out what he got.
  • Shadow. Useful for concealing what you are doing.
  • Silent Movement. A great spell for moving around quietly.
  • Dark Vision, Mage Sight. Some more great spells for sneaking around…
  • Sleep. Also useful for getting those pesky guards out of the way.
  • Invisibility. Obvious.
  • Images, Illusions and Glamor. Great spells for the imaginative thief–hiding things, making it look like nothing has changed, the guard is still alive, you get the drift.
  • Unnoticeability. Another spell that has uses when you are sneaking around.
  • Insubstatiality. When you just HAVE to get through that keyhole…

The Spells

But sometimes, just sometimes–you need more. So–here are 4 new spells for your wizardly thieves and generally rogue-like wizards…

IQ 11
ILLUSION DISGUISE (T) [GURPS] Similar to the normal illusion spell, the Illusion Disguise creates an illusion on the figure the spell is cast upon (can include herself). The spell follows all rules for illusions, including disbelief. Cost to cast: 1 ST, 1 to maintain. Lasts 12 turns.

SILENCE (T) [AD&D] Creates an area where no sound occurs. No sounds, conversation–or spells that require the caster to speak–will occur. Area covered is 1 megahex. The effects of the spell are on the area where it is cast, not on the people or objects in it. For example, someone can move out of the affected area and speak normally. ST to cast: 2 ST, 1 to maintain.

IQ 12
CLIMBING (T) [GURPS] Allows the caster to climb any surface. Similar to the Climbing talent, but also allows the caster to climb sheer surfaces. Rate of climb is 3 meter per turn (1 story). Cost: 2 ST to cast, 1 to maintain.

IQ 13
WIZARD EYE (T) [AD&D] Creates an invisible "eye" that allows the caster to see separate from his or her body. The wizard eye can travel in any direction with an MA of 10, and can see in the dark. ST to cast: 3, 1 to maintain. Duration: 1 minute.

These spells will let your thieves steal a little more loot–or do other things nefarious. What do you think? Do you have any other spells for thieves that are not in the original rulebooks? Let me know in the comments!

Marko ∞

(Originally published on, on 3/10/2017.)
