Far Jewel Database Moved to Untold Realms

Far Jewel Database Moved to Untold Realms

I have managed to move the database for the Far Jewel setting over to the Untold Realms website. The setting pages and Life Form Library are working here now.

I was a little nervous about how hard it would be to get the database tables and data moved to the new site’s database, but it was actually pretty easy. All of the data came over and is available to the new site. Honestly, this was going to be the long pole in the tent for consolidating that site into this one, so I am very happy.

This data allows me to have the pages that list the star systems, planets, moons and star routes working in the Far Jewel section of That is a core part of that campaign and setting, so again–big deal.

The other data that came over is for the Lifeform Library. The life forms it contains were developed somewhat randomly, but are tied to specific star systems and planets. That is why I needed the star system information to be available for the LFL to make sense.

So I have the database moved over, and the basic functionality working on I still want to tweak the look and feel of the tools, and consolidate them some to fit more than one setting.

But what is next for Far Jewel? Well, I had an idea to get work the LFL to allow more details, and then start showing "featured life forms" for ones I had added some more detail to. Beyond that, I don’t think I can do anything in the near future–I am still moving articles from, getting the Fantasy Bestiary working and migrating the NPC generators for the Middle Lands and Ealdun working.

So–big steps, but lots more to do! If you like what you see, please let me know what you think!

Marko ∞
