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Monster Backgrounds
One thing that faces every Referee is making creature encounters interesting. One good way to do that is to have some kind of background or history for each monster. Here's a way to do just that.
Framework for a Magic System
Because there is no magic system for Blades & Black Magic (yet), Jeff Vandine and I have been discussing various ways to create one for it. Here is what we have started.
New Home for My Gaming
Hello, everyone! Welcome to Untold Realms, my new home for my gaming. I plan to relocate my various game sites here, to better focus my time (and cut costs!)
The Chia’ad, the Cha’lon, Monsters–And Magic
Two important parts of the Ealdun setting are the Chia'ad, and the Cha'lon. I want to explain what they are, and why they are important to the campaign setting.
Gods for The Isle of Ealdun Published
Hello everyone! I apologize for the delay in getting the word out, but I published the first cut at the gods for the Ealdun setting.
Ealdun–The Land of the Varge
The dominant feature of the Isle of Ealdun is the Varge. It is a high, rocky plateau of badlands, with only dangerous roads across it. It is a land ripe for adventure...