
Far Jewel is a hard science fiction campaign, set about 300 years from now, in the space surrounding Earth for about 15 parsecs. It is a Cepheus Engine campaign. The characters are the crew of a small merchant starship carrying high priority cargoes along a major star lane.

The Game

Cepheus Light as the main ruleset, but GURPS Space for the worldbuilding. I am using the Cepheus Engine rules for creature generation.

The Setting

The campaign takes place about 300 years from now, and in the space centered around Earth, for approximately 15 parsecs. Specifically, the main setting is in the space along a major trade route between the Delta Pavonis and Gl 707 systems.

Known Space

The Campaign

The star map is pretty complete. This was actually what started me back into gaming! I have been working on fleshing out the systems, off and on, for about 6 years. The stars and planets are very well set, but I need to finish fleshing out the gaming parts–cities, habitats, locations, etc.

I do have the characters done, too.

The Characters

The initial party consists of 2 pilots, and engineer, a med tech, a cargo specialist and a tech specialist. I fleshed them out pretty well, including about 5 pre-adventures.
