
Converting creatures from The Fantasy Trip to Blades is a just little more difficult than converting them from Heroes & Other Worlds, but still pretty straightforward. To be clear, I am just considering classic TFT, not the newer "Legacy" version.

To convert a TFT creature to Blades, I would first look at HOW. If the conversion from another game to HOW has already been done, then fantastic. If not, then you need to keep reading…

To start with, the basic attributes for creatures match up. In addition, MA in TFT is the same as MV in Blades. Also, TFT tends to list armor and damage in textual descriptions. In Blades, these are just listed as AR and DM, respectively.

Finally, there is the issue of magical abilities and defenses. My eventual goal is to explain these in terms of the magic system that Jeff Vandine and I are writing up for Blades. The idea is that creatures will have magical abilities that mimic spells, but come from an innate ability or source. It will be more like a controlled improv magic, not exactly a spell. Until I get that working, I plan to just call out spells from Wizard or HOW.
