
This History Generator tool generates random history events for different campaign settings and genres. It does this by generating an event, then adding a number of social media-style tags that can help shape that event. These can be used (or ignored) to help create a unique, interesting item to place in any campaign’s history.

To generate a list of events, pick a genre or setting from theme, and click [Generate].

This will generate a list of events and tags. Tags include a general category, actors or influencers on the event, whether the event is a benefit or a loss, influences on that benefit or loss and finally if the event has ended or is ongoing.

Not all tags may make sense but try to use them anyway–be creative and see what you can come up with!

For example, consider this:
trade route conflict





change benefit increased


Obviously this deals with a trade route. It also deals with some form of enemy, and is a benefit to a group somehow. Exploration is involved at some point, and the benefit is increasing and ongoing.

Putting that together, maybe we see that an enemy of a current group had tried to find a new trail, looking for a new trade route around some bandits. The expedition failed, and the enemy group had to ask for help in securing the old trade route. This led to the first group being able to secure more favorable trade terms with them in return.

Another example might be this:
tech breakthrough





increased cost due to loss


Obviously this historical event deals with some kind of technology improvement. It also affects an enemy of a given group somehow–which we see is supposed to be a benefit, deals with some kind of exploration and is also ongoing. There is also the planetary tag, which can be seen as the scope of the effect. Finally, We have that some cost was increased for someone because of an ongoing loss.

Putting it together, maybe we see that Far Jewel developed an improvement in some form of underwater exploration technology, that helped them survey an ice planet or moon that had a subsurface ocean. There was a radical groups of Prev terrorists that were protesting the expansion into that ocean, and Far Jewel had to provide extra security to counterbalance the Prev actions. This increased cost somewhat limited the benefits of the exploration and development of the planet or moon.

Just take the event and its tags, and try to frame it in the context of whatever you are looking at!
