I Need More Time for Wargaming

I Need More Time for Wargaming

I actually got into wargaming before I started roleplaying. I still love it, but I have found I just don’t have the time I want to devote to playing.

What I Want To Game Now

The primary game I want to get into is Command At Sea. I have always had an interest in the Pacific Theater of WWII, and this really scratches the itch. When I was in college, I picked up a wargame by Metagaming called Command At Sea as well, and that really got me interested in naval miniature warfare.

I’ve also looked at a WWI naval wargames, Grand Fleets. This game looks fun, but is not at the level of detail that Command At Sea is.

Another game I have is Old School Tactical, a WWII armored warfare game, set on the Eastern Front. I got started on WWII armor games with Stalin’s Tanks and Hitler’s Panzers, both from Metagaming and of course, Squad Leader.

Finally, something I really would love to get into is classic Napoleonic wargaming. I love that period of history, and the wars that were fought back then.

Not Enough Time

The problem I have is there is just not enough time to make it all happen. Between work, my Masonic schedule, blogging and family time–there is just not enough time in the day. Of course, all of my hobbies need to take a backseat to my wife. I fully understand that. Still, I just have so many interests that it is hard to touch on all of them!

What I really want to do is find more time to read more about the Pacific Theater during the war, and be able to really appreciate the details of those battles, including the ships and equipment used and how the game handles them.

What To Do?

For now the only thing I can do is read the game rules and wish. I hate that–but that is what happens with 95% of the obscene amount of roleplaying supplements I purchase anyway. Half the fun of any kind of gaming is reading through the games and supplements, and letting them fire my imagination.

For the next few months, I need to focus on roleplaying and put my wargaming on hold. After the first of the year, I am going to finish up reading and understanding Command At Sea, and then try a few trial runs of the combat system. After that, I want to run a couple simple scenarios to make sure I get the game.

After that, we will see where I go. Maybe I can crack open Old School Tactical and have a couple tank battles!

I know at some point this is all a matter of priorities. I get that. But I still want my cake and to be able to eat it, too!

Marko ∞

1 comment

  1. I’ve gotta say I’m with you 100% on this!

    My own particular itch is really board wargaming, and that usually more at the operational level than the tactical. But if you want a fast and easy board wargame about tactical naval battles in World War II, I can highly recommend that you pick up a copy of the old SPI magazine game “CA”. It focuses on the fighting around Guadalcanal, but is a tremendous amount of fun, and very easy to understand, set up, and play in a single evening.

    And, while I tend towards operational level gaming (witness that Russian Front game I sent you pics of a while back), I do have very fond memories of both “Terrible Swift Sword” and “Wellington’s Victory.” Two very different tactical games, and both simply an amazing play. But neither of those is very forgiving in terms of time and space required to play…

    As you know, we are in the process of founding a brick and mortar game store in Arizona, and my two partners in that effort are long-time miniaturists — and one of them is an absolute fanatic for Napoleonics. If, once we get the thing going, you can make it down for a weekend, I’m betting we could set you up with a nice little fight in the Peninsula or Northern Italy somewhere! 🙂 And I know a good breakfast place that I think you and the missus would really enjoy! Fair warning though; we might film the game so we can post it on a YouTube channel that we’ll be running alongside the store…just sayin’!
