Why I Still Love Full Thrust

Why I Still Love Full Thrust

Now that I have moved from tabletop miniatures gaming to roleplaying, the question is: have I given up on Full Thrust? The answer is NO!

Full Thrust Is a Great Combat Game

The thing is, Full Thrust is still a great combat game. The basic mechanics of the game are classic, the action is fast and furious, and the play can be scaled to the area you have to play.

Even better, there are a number of rulebooks that add new rules for additional capabilities. From the basic book, to the additional books, to the many fleet books that document standard capabilities in the canon setting, all of this information makes a timeless gaming experience.

A Great Deal of Work Exists

In addition, there is a lot of canon work still out there on the Interwebs. Full Thrust still has a large following, who still put out information. Not only that, there are conversions to other famous settings like Babylon 5, Star Wars or Star Trek.

I did not really like the canon setting that came with the game, but the rules are quite clear: Make up your own! And that is what I did. Playing Full Thrust in that setting is still a lot of fun to me.

It’s Just Fun!

And that is the point, right? It really fires my imagination to play out the combats between the starships, trying out different designs and tactics, then ticking off the damage until the ships explode… That’s fun to me.

So while I have moved on to roleplaying in my Far Jewel universe, I still love to play Full Thrust. I still plan to use it to play out any ship-to-ship combats that may occur. But the tweaks to both Cepheus Engine and Full Thrust to handle space combat is the subject of another post!

Marko ∞

(Originally published on, on 4/1/2018. Since then, a number of other space combat games have been published–more on those later!)
