More Dragons

More Dragons

Different kinds of dragons do exist, and have different abilities. They also have different views towards other races and other creatures.

Here are the kinds I have used in my campaign worlds…


Black dragons are very evil creatures found in swamps and other dismal places. They live in dark caves or rocky hollows. They hate humanity, though they will not work with other creatures in order to fight them. Blacks are also particularly protective of their young. Their breath weapon is a stream of acid, doing an extra 2 hits of damage. Blacks will know magic as soon as they are young adults, and almost always know necromantic spells. Blacks have +4 ST, -1 DX and +2 IQ. They are otherwise like normal dragons as listed.


Blue dragons are similar to black dragons in their hatred of humanity, but they tend more towards disdain than bloodthirst. They commonly inhabit dry, arid lands, preferring to be alone. The breath weapon of a blue is a bolt of lightning. This does +3 damage, but costs 3 points of fatigue. They have +2 ST, normal IQ and normal DX.


Green dragons are the most common form of dragon, found in any desolate areas. They are also less intelligent, but more avaricious than other dragons. Their breath weapon is fire, with normal damage. They are subservient to other more powerful dragons, but cruel and despotic towards any creatures they can bend to their will. They have normal stats, with –2 IQ.


Red dragons are the typical listed dragon. They are not as common as green dragons, but are still common–as far as dragons go! They are very greedy, and where greens are brutishly covetous, reds are coldly calculating in their lust for wealth and power. They commonly work with Dark Elves and winter giants, but never with White dragons. They are the aristocracy of dragons. They hate dwarves and will never miss a chance to kill one, unless circumstances are greatly against it. They have the stats listed.


White dragons are fierce wyrms that live only on the coldest mountaintops. They are sometimes in the company of winter giants, but neutral towards dark elves and humanity. Whites rarely use magic, and are less intelligent than other dragons. Like silver dragons, whites emit a cone of frost as a breath weapon, but actually prefer to rip apart their foes with their deadly claws that do +2 hits of damage. They otherwise have normal stats, but with –2 IQ.


Gray dragons are also rare, living only in the highland moors and other desolate areas. They are extremely fierce and will attack with no provocation. They use a mist that will cause Blindness to anyone that comes in contact with it for a breath weapon. The gray dragon is hated, but really more feared for its ability to cats the Fear spell and to assume a Body of Air at will. This costs the gray only 3 points of fatigue. They know no other magics. Grays hoard treasure, inhabiting barrows and tombs. They have normal -2 ST, normal DX and +1 IQ.


Copper dragons are similar to bronze dragons, but love music and magic. They are very rare, found only in high, rocky mountains. They commonly have guests, either bards or philosophers, in their almost house-like caves. They rarely fight, preferring to flee. If cornered, their breath weapon is a cloud of Forgetfullness, costing 2 points of fatigue. They will learn magic as soon as they are young, and delight in illusion and knowledge spells. They have –2 ST, +3 IQ and normal DX.


Bronze dragons are basically good dragons, even though they are still greedy, and are beneficial towards man. They are reclusive and timid, but will fight if cornered. Bronzes are found in caves or along rocky coastlines near the sea. Bronze dragons use a powerful sleep gas as their breath weapon, with victims saving at –3 ST. This costs them only 1 point of fatigue. They have –2 ST, +2 DX and +1 IQ.


Silver dragons are intelligent, thoughtful, and strong. They almost always know magic and will use it a very high skill level. Silvers are neutral towards humanity, preferring to ignore them, until they become a nuisance. If red dragons are the aristocracy of evil dragons, silvers are the leaders of good dragons. They are fierce opponents of Reds and will always fight them in a strange, single combat to the death. They use a cone of frost as a breath weapon, similar to the Ice Sphere spell. They use most magics, especially Water and Light spells. Silvers have a +2 ST, normal DX and +3 IQ.


Emerald dragons are very rare, found only in rocky, forested coastlines. They are very charismatic, knowing many Mind Control spells from birth. Emeralds are very beautiful creatures, whose scaly hide always seems to be in motion in reflecting light. Emeralds are very greedy, especially for gems and jewels, but they do not usually search for treasure, instead geas-ing others into bringing it to them. After mesmerizing creatures, they usually do not kill them, preferring to set them free after making them Forget what has happened. They have –1 ST, +1 DX and +2 IQ.


These definitions of dragons were taken from an old article in Dragon Magazine and adapted for TFT.

Marko ∞

(Originally published on, on 2/22/2015.)
